February 15, 2022
Hello, church family and friends!
I’ve been thinking and praying a lot about why churches exist. Why we at Epworth, specifically, exist. What purpose God has in our motley gathering of good people who seek God in Jesus Christ together.
I mean, some of it is obvious. We exist because God called us together, in all our beautiful variety. We exist because we are spiritually nourished and strengthened by worshiping, praying, studying, and serving together. And personally, I am deeply humbled by and grateful for the inspiring worship and the real ways we serve folks in need.
But above all else, churches exist to share the Gospel.
Now, that can be well done in a thousand different ways. And it has been said that every one of us has a unique piece of the Gospel that is ours to share. But we all, every one, need to be doing it.
Don’t get me wrong, there are times in all of our lives when it is much more important for us to receive the Good News than to give it. When we are hurting, or struggling, or in need ourselves, the church is a place of safety, nourishment, comfort, and healing. And thank God for that. We can and should claim that time to just be fed and comforted by the God who loves us to the marrow of our bones and beyond.
But then, it is time to get up. It is time to come down from the mountain with Jesus, up from beside the still waters, away from the banquet table, and get to work sharing what we have found.
showing of The Princess Bride. There were twice as many people present from the community as there were church members, including several young families. They went out of their way to let me know how much they enjoyed it, knowing that it was a gift to them given in the name of Jesus Christ. Friends, it is things that are literally this simple that open doors in people’s hearts to the Gospel. The more of us who are present and involved in things like this, representing God and Epworth, the more folks get a sense of what living in a church family looks and feels like. And they are drawn, inexorably, to Jesus through the love we share with friend and stranger.
This season, I invite you to pray with me about what God might be calling you to do, by way of sharing the Good News. It might be something like reading to the kids at HERO Club, or helping in the Food Pantry, or getting involved with Fallon Daily Bread. It might be leading in worship, helping to plan community events, or being part of a group to sit with homebound folks to give their caregivers a couple of hours away. It might be doing yard work around the church to keep it looking fresh and welcoming, or for older or disabled folks in the neighborhood who need some extra help. It could be something else entirely! God can use any of it, when we do it prayerfully and willingly, to draw people to Christ.
Each of us has a part of the Good News to share. Maybe for you it’s about healing, or freedom from addiction or harmful relationships. Maybe it’s about God’s presence in times of grief, or the Holy Spirit’s guidance when you needed it, or the power of prayer. Maybe it’s about Jesus’ sacrifice and forgiveness, welcoming you home like the prodigal son. Maybe it’s about the power of belonging, as a part of the Body of Christ. The Good News is broad, and high, and deep, beloved. And it’s yours, thanks be to God! Let’s share it.
In God’s unfailing love,
Worship Any and Everywhere!
ROMANS 4: Belonging, and Scout Sunday!
It’s Scout Sunday this week! We are so glad to welcome Scout Troop 1776 to help lead us in worship. Some will be receiving their badge for completing the God and Church course with Pastor Dawn, and some *might* even be giving the message! They are due to practice and prepare tonight (Tuesday, as of this writing) and it will be great to see how God works through these boys and their leaders. See you then.
If you are worshiping with us from home, either via the radio broadcast or video, we are so glad! If we can pray for you, or if there is anything you need, we would love to do that. You can call the church office at 775-423-4714, or you can call Pastor Dawn on her cell phone any time, 775-671-5553.
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