Wednesday, February 14, 2024



February 7, 2024



Well, we made jokes about it being weirdly spring-like in the middle of winter, and now it’s raining and snowing like crazy. Which is so nice! Nobody appreciates rain and snow like us desert-dwellers and farmers. Especially if we don’t have to drive in it.

So anyway, happy February church family and friends!

Last Sunday, we were talking about “our daily bread” and manna from heaven, and I mentioned a little bit about how the word “manna” doesn’t mean bread or food at all, but rather “What on earth is this?” It's a thing I have always found very funny, and an excellent reminder of how good it is to do word study while studying scripture. 

It’s in Exodus 16:15, when the people of Israel have cried out to God for food (well, they have yelled at Moses really, and HE has taken their request to God) and God has told them to expect “food rained down from heaven.” In the morning, they see a flaky substance on the ground, and ask each other, “What is this?” It’s a sentence of two words; “man” meaning “what (is)”, and “hu” meaning “it.” Whenever manna is mentioned elsewhere in the Bible, it is these two words that have become one word "manna.” So, in Psalm 78:24 for example, it says “God gave them…uh… something? from heaven to eat.”

I find this very eye-opening, for several reasons. Inspiring, too.

Eye-opening because this whole concept of manna is mentioned over and over in the Bible as an example of how God always provides, and yet when the people of Israel first encountered it they had no idea what they were looking at. It wasn’t bread. It wasn’t any food they recognized. It wasn’t anything they had ever seen before. The Bible describes it as a thin, flaky substance on the ground (Exodus 16:15), or as small white round grains that resembled coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey (Exodus 16:31). Some say it sounds like the sap of the tamarisk tree found around the Sinai, which gathers on twigs and falls to the ground, tastes like honey, is white at first and then turns yellow, and disappears when the day warms up in the late morning. Arab traders sell it to pilgrims as “bread from heaven.” Cool, right?

And not just fascinating, but inspiring too. Because even though the people complained, and resented their own rescue, God provided. And even though what God provided was strange and unexpected, it was good. Miraculously good.

I can’t begin to count how many times God has answered my own prayers in ways that made no sense to me at all at first. Plenty of times I didn’t think God had answered my prayer at all, until well after the fact. And even more times when I was struggling, or ungrateful, or hurting and confused and angry, when God came alongside me, wrapped me in arms full of love and understanding, and provided exactly what I needed. I hope you’ve had experiences like that, too.

Jesus himself, the Bread of Life, is like manna from heaven. He came in a very unexpected way, lived and died and was resurrected in a VERY unexpected way (can I get an amen?), and still shows up all the time where, and through whom, we least expect. 

So this is my prayer for us this week: that God shows up with exactly what we need, confirming our hope with gifts in unexpected forms.

Together in Christ,

Pastor Dawn

News and Fun Stuff

Ash Wednesday on February 14 @7:00pm

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on Valentine’s Day this year. If you’ve never been to a service like this before, let this year be the first time. It is a sweet, prayerful, reflective, hopeful time of being wrapped in the amazing grace of God. And a day that celebrates love of one another is a great way to begin our 40 day period of introspection, and sacrifice, andhumility before the joy of Easter. 


No Pizza with the Pastor This Month 

Because of the Superbowl and Pastor Dawn’s meeting in Yerington after worship on Feb 11, and Princess Bride the following week, we’ll have to skip our monthly Pizza lunch and conversation this month. See you in March!

Sunday Brunch and Messy Church on Sun Feb 18!

We hope you enjoyed the very first Messy Church last month. This month, we’ve sent invitations to our neighbors and our lesson is “Putting On Love” based on Colossians 3:12-17. It’s a new kind Sunday School-slash-worship, especially designed for people of all ages to actively participate together. We’d love your participation, your ideas for improvements, and your leadership! Reach out to Ashlee McGarity or Pastor Dawn at the church office,, 775-423-4714. 


And it all starts with a pot luck brunch! Bring something to share if you’re able, stay and enjoy food and friendship with your church, and stay for songs, games, crafts, and our Messy Church lesson. See you there.


Princess Bride on Sunday February 18 @1:00pm

It's that time of year again! Friends, there is a terrible lack of silliness in the world today, and ONLY YOU CAN HELP. Join us for a Very Silly Interactive Screening of "The Princess Bride" at the historic downtown Fallon Theatre on Sunday February 18 at 1pm! Feel free to dress in costume (or not), bring props (or not), invite everyone you know, and let's spend an afternoon being ridiculous together for no reason whatsoever. Admission is FREE!! Props including glow sticks, kazoos, marshmallows, and other assorted nonsense will be provided. As a bonus, any delicious snacks or lunch you buy at the snack bar supports the Theater!