Monday, May 2, 2022

The Gospel According to Paul

 January 25, 2022



Hello friends!


I’m sitting today in what’s called the Gathering of the Orders, a required “retreat” for all clergy that’s held once a year the last week in January. Ordinarily we gather somewhere in person for three days mid-week, but of course covid has put the kibosh on that for the past 2 years. So many pros and cons to doing it via Zoom, and seeing each other on a screen…it’s definitely much more economical, and it’s certainly safer and more efficient, but its also awfully easy to get distracted and impossible to really connect with friends and colleagues. 

The theme of the day, though, is lovely. We are considering together Isaiah 43, and hearing speakers on different portions of it. The Bishop spoke powerfully about being called by name, our keynote speaker gave a message about the healing effects of compassion, another speaker talked about walking through the fire and God being with her. And just an hour or so ago, my friend Angel Rivero spoke about being a witness.

Angel is a sweet, soft-spoken, powerfully faithful young man whom I met a few years ago, as part of a yearlong class on church planting and church growth. He is a second generation Mexican American, and his vision at the time was to plant a church that ministers uniquely to people like himself: straddling two cultures, loving both, having a passion for justice, yearning for Christ. But he can and does minister effectively to all kinds of people. 

Angel is also gay. Before he became Methodist, he was a minister with the Seventh Day Adventists…but when he realized he was gay, he was kicked out of the ministry and the church. He still felt a strong call to ministry, though, so he went to seminary the same place I did (about 10 years after me), and met some of my favorite humans who affirmed his call and formed a strong circle of support around him. He was ordained in the United Methodist Church 2 years ago, with great joy.

He told us the story today of serving the church he serves now, and the avalanche of hate mail he started to receive because he is gay. Not from the church, they are 100% behind him, but from the community. How scary it got, how demoralizing and exhausting. How his relationship with God and the support of Christian friends continues to keep him focused. How important each of our unique Christian witness is, and how God surrounds us with support and guidance so that God’s word is faithfully spoken even during the worst hardship.

Our lives are full of joys and hardships, both of which can distract us and steal our focus. May God surround each of us with good people who love and support us, who are a healthy and positive presence in our lives, who help us clarify our own unique witness. And may God use that witness to make the Gospel real and alive in the place God has planted us.

Love and blessings,

      Pastor Dawn

Worship Any and Everywhere!

ROMANS: The Gospel According to Paul

This week, we begin a 6 week study of the book of Romans. Some would say Paul’s letter to the Romans has done more to form Christian theology – that is, our understanding of who God is, who Jesus is, the meaning of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, the meaning of salvation, and more – than anything other than Christ himself. So we will take our time with it, exploring Paul’s letter just a bit at a time. As we begin, you might like to read the first 3 chapters of Romans, and listen for how God might be speaking into your life today. 


If you are worshiping with us from home, either via the radio broadcast or video, we are so glad! If we can pray for you, or if there is anything you need, we would love to do that. You can call the church office at 775-423-4714, or you can call Pastor Dawn on her cell phone any time, 775-671-5553.

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