March 30, 2021
Hello church family!
It is so good to be in worship together! As we move into the warmer weather and continue to love one another by keeping Covid protocols carefully in place, it is so good to be able to be in one place to pray and praise God and learn and worship together. We know that the church *never* closed, and the people of God never stopped praying and worshiping, we just did it mostly outside the building…but still, there is something special and powerful about being physically together in the presence of God. There is plenty of room for us to be safely distant, even when most of us are there all at the same time. And if it turns out that we get a bit too crowded, I am very prepared to add a second service at 11:15am when we need it. One way or another, I and your church family look forward to the day when even more of us will feel safe coming back to worship. It is such a joy.
Since preschools are authorized to be open, we hope to be able to open our nursery soon, too, and re-launch children’s Sunday School. We are exploring what we need to do to make that happen safely, so stay tuned.
We are going to hold off on coffee and goodies for now, because we can’t be separated enough in the Fireside Room. As the weather warms, I am thinking we can move the fellowship outside on the lawn with our tables and chairs and goodies and coffee served by our masked and gloved Hospitality Team.
Slowly but surely, things will get back to normal…and, with the power and grace of God, an even better version of normal. Thank you for your love and faithfulness as we continue to be the church in God’s ever-changing world.
This Sunday is Easter Sunday, and in context I can’t help but think of the disciples of Jesus – not just his close friends, but the thousands and thousands who had gained hope and healing through Jesus – and how their entire world was turned upside down. In Jesus’ brief time with them, their whole understanding of life and God changed. For most, it was change for the better! But for many, including the disciples, it was confusing and frightening, and very hard to accept. And of course, for the religious authorities, it was terrible religious lawbreaking and blasphemy. No wonder there was so much conflict, despite Jesus’ consistent message of love and peace. And then he is killed, and the world is turned upside down again…and then, he is resurrected and – for those who believe – the world is not just turned upside down but absolutely explodes.
And he appears to them, and their hearts are filled with joy. Impossible, explosive joy. And awe…that feeling of witnessing something impossible that is nevertheless completely real.
And what comes after is the need to embark on an entirely new way of life. Even different from the life they led when Jesus walked with them in person. Entirely new. But they did it. With the power of the Holy Spirit, they laid down their lives even while they were living became the seeds that planted the church. And here we are.
A new seed is planted every time a person says yes to following Jesus. Not just the first time, when we give our lives to Christ, but every time we go about in the world faithfully following his new commandment to love one another. When we do that, every time, we help plant a seed in another heart.
Every time someone sees your car pull up to church on Sunday (or any other day!) a seed is planted in the hearts of all who see it. Every time we leave our doors open so that the sound of worship goes out into the neighborhood, a seed is planted. Every time we welcome friend and stranger with a real smile and genuine greeting, a seed is planted. Every time we serve selflessly and lovingly, a seed is planted. And the power of the resurrection is made real in a world that doesn’t believe in such things.
Friends, the obstacles we face are in some ways exactly the same as, and in some ways far less than what Jesus’ disciples faced in those days. With the power of the Holy Spirit they persevered and gave the world God’s greatest gift, and it grew and grew and grew until it covered the earth. Seed after seed was planted, every day for weeks and months and years and millennia, until someone shared Jesus with each of us and brought us here to sweet and wonderful Fallon, Nevada. No matter how our world is changing, the Holy Spirit is still alive and active, and we can plant new seeds every day.
This is what it is to live as people of the Resurrection. Let’s worship every day in spirit and in truth, and give our lives while we are living in faith in Jesus Christ.
Happy almost-Easter!
Pastor Dawn
Worship Any and Everywhere!
Join us for a worship service of joy, thanksgiving, and praise at 9:00am in our beautiful sanctuary. There will be music from our Praise Team, art that expresses our Easter joy, and an Easter message from Pastor Dawn. Hope to see you there! If you will be worshiping from home, you can also find us on KVLV at 9:30 as always, and on Facebook Live (if the Facebook gremlins permit. It’s a frustratingly imperfect technology.)
Good Friday Walk to the Cross
On Friday April 2 at noon, Kathy Fraker will lead a Walk to the Cross. We will meet in the parking lot of the Churchill County Cemetery, where you will receive the elements for Holy Communion and a booklet of the story of Jesus arrest and crucifixion from the gospel of John. Folks are invited to walk at their own pace, to take their time remembering these events in Jesus’ life, and praying as their heart leads them.
Also beginning at noon, the church will be open from 12:00 noon until 3:00pm for anyone who might like to come in and spend some time in prayer. Candles will be lit, and lights will be low, and Bibles will be in the pews for any who might like to read the story of Good Friday in John 18:1-18:42.
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