Friday, April 16, 2021

I AM the Good Shepherd

March 1, 2021


Hello, members and friends of Epworth UMC!


I don’t know about you, but I am rejoicing in this beautiful pre-Spring weather. Tiny beginnings of buds on the dwarf peach tree in the backyard. Tulips in our prayer garden starting to poke up through the soil. Kids playing outside in the yards across the street from the church. Hints and beginnings.


A couple of you have asked me about a prayer practice I mentioned last year at this time, a practice known as “praying the hours.” Honestly I hadn’t thought of it this year, but now that you have reminded me I have begun it again. It’s an ancient thing, found in the records of the very earliest churches, and practiced especially in monastic communities that would gather to pray several times during each day, based on Psalm 119:164 that says “Seven times a day I praise you,” and Psalm 119:62 that says “At midnight I rise to praise you.” Traditionally, each “hour” is not just prayer but a mini-worship service, with hymns and psalms and particular prayers, and is meant to be a thing done in community. I have found it an incredibly beautiful thing, though, just to read a Psalm and pray.


It’s the deliberate stopping at weird times during the day, that I think makes it so beneficial. Personally, I don’t set an alarm for the traditional prayer in the middle of the night, but some do. The traditional hours are 2am, 5am, sunrise, 9am, noon, 3pm, sunset (known as vespers), and bedtime. It reminds me of Jewish prayer practices, now and in Jesus’ time and place…it’s not exactly the same, but the day of a faithful orthodox Jewish person was filled with prayer. At morning and evening, at every meal, whenever hands or body were washed, at leaving and entering the home, and many other moments of life. It may sound like a lot, but it had the effect of reminding a person of God’s presence and blessing even in the most ordinary, mundane parts of life. That’s what I find praying the hours does, too. 


When we set aside specific times to pray, and force ourselves to stop whatever we would otherwise be doing, even if just for a few moments, to focus on God, it has the effect of improving our spiritual eyesight. We find our attention more easily drawn to God’s presence and blessing all throughout the day. We find our hearts lighter, more full, more aware. We find ourselves noticing things like the tiny buds on trees and tiny wildflowers among weeds and kids playing across the street. And being very, very grateful.


I am so blessed to be in ministry with all of you. When you are ready, come join us in worship! You are so, so loved. 


In the arms of the Good Shepherd,

Pastor Dawn

Worship Any and Everywhere

I AM The Good Shepherd

This week, we continue in the Gospel of John by talking about the I AM statements of Jesus. It’s a deep and wonderful discussion, really bringing to light what John means when he says that Jesus is the Word made flesh, bringing true light and abundant life to the world.


We are worshiping in person, praise the Lord, and it is good to hear from so many of you who are looking forward to joining us after getting your vaccines. We are also worshiping on Facebook and KVLV as always, of course, for those who join us from home. Wherever you choose to worship, YOUR CHURCH LOVES YOU!! See you on Sunday. 

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