Thursday, January 18, 2024


 January 17, 2024



Happy GORGEOUS January day, church friends and neighbors!


After the snow last week and the rain this week, it looks and smells beautiful outside today. I have to be here at my computer for most of the day, but man it is a perfect day for a walk. Shoulda brought one of the puppies to church with me. I hope you are cracking the windows open a bit, or walking outside, or finding a way to thank God for this fresh air.


You may have heard me mention Rev Stephen Charleston before. He is a Native American of the Choctaw Nation, and a retired Episcopal bishop. He has written several books, and posts wonderful thoughts and ponderings on social media about God and being human. This one has been resonating with me ever since I read it a few days ago, and it fits with what we’ve been thinking and talking about during worship:


“You have been chosen to be who you are. Not as an accident. Not as an existence without purpose. But as a self-aware soul brought to life by a Spirit who knows your name. You have a mission to carry out, a message to send, a blessing to bestow. You are the only one who can live your life. You are entrusted with a corner of the universe. You are a stakeholder in creation, selected for a task only you can complete.


I just love this sentiment. You are not an accident of evolution. You were formed and made by God, who has known you since before you were born and set you here in this desert garden of Fallon, Nevada because God thought you were the exactly right thing to include right here. It echoes Paul’s words in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, about how intentionally different we are from one another, and all necessary as parts of the body of Christ.


Necessary. You are necessary. 


You have a something to do. Something to say. Someone to help. A blessing to give. You matter, in this moment, right now, to God and to the part of creation you live in. 


I hope you know that.

Pastor Dawn

Worship This Week

Epiphany 3: Direction Reset

In the Christian year, this week is the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany, a word meaning a new revelation or understanding, especially of God, and whose root means “shining light.” The season is inspired by the Magi’s following of the Star of Bethlehem, experiencing the Light of the World in the person of young Jesus, and going home transformed. In worship at Epworth, we’ve been talking about renewal and re-setting ourselves in our faith in God, because we too have experienced the Light of the World. We’ve talked about a soul reset, remembering our baptism and reclaiming our faith as central to our lives; and last week we talked about re-setting our values, reclaiming the importance of things like the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5, and how all of the Christian values we can prioritize – if they are truly Christian values – are set firmly in a foundation of loving God and one another. This week, we will talk about where all of that leads us. As a child of God, with God as your source and life, and your highest priority placed on agape-ing God and one another, what is your own purpose and direction? What about ours, as a family of faith together? You might like to read Mark 1:32-39, or the story of Paul’s conversion in Acts 9:1-15 as you prepare your heart for worship. And all of Romans 12 is wonderful. 

Remember to find us on YouTube so that you can watch live from home, or join us on KVLV radio on AM980 every Sunday beginning at 9:30am. If you have ideas or questions, or if we can be in prayer for you in any way, please call the church at 775-423-4714, or call Pastor Dawn directly at 775-671-5553. We’d love to hear from you.


Wednesday Night Prayer with Lectio Divina

Friday Evening Prayer has become Wednesday Evening Prayer, and will be held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm on YouTube Live. Lectio Divina is an ancient, special way of reading and praying with Scripture. Most people who try it find it deeply meaningful. Hope you’ll join us.

News and Fun Stuff

Monthly Brunch After Worship on Jan 21

Stay after worship on the 3rd Sunday of every month and share brunch with your church family and neighbors! Bring absolutely anything you’d like to share (food, friends, or just your gorgeous smiling face). See you then. #eattogetherfallon

Messy Church” Begins This Week, Too!

After brunch, join us in the Fireside Room for a fun and inspiring all-ages Sunday School lesson. It’s a unique way of learning about the love of Jesus through games, music, art, and stories. Kids of any age and their grownups are welcome. Invite your friends and neighbors! We’ll do it once per month on the 3rd Sunday at 10:30am.

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