Saturday, June 4, 2022

Pentecost Sunday at the Fallon Theater!

 May 31, 2022


Happy almost-birthday, church!

As Jesus’ disciples made their difficult and yet miracle-filled way through the 50 days between his death and the summer celebrations of Pentecost, so we have arrived at our celebration of the incredible day when the Holy Spirit rushed over them like a rush of mighty wind and gave birth to the Church. And as your church leaders are planning, adapting, and organizing ourselves (with very little notice!) so that we can do ministry without setting foot in our buildings, I am inspired to remember the meaning of sanctuary.

The day of Pentecost was a wild, bold, courageous thing. But the word “sanctuary” brings to mind comfort, safety, and peace. The Bible speaks of sparrows that find a nest at God’s altar, peace that flows like a river, weapons that are transformed into gardening tools, shepherd and sheep who rest in the cool grass, wolves and lambs that lie down together, nations that find healing and kinship. The Kingdom of God, the whole world a sanctuary. Shalom.

This is God’s goal for us, beloved. This is what, with God’s power and guidance, we are moving toward. And it is a holy thing.

It doesn’t always look like we are moving in that direction. (OK, it almost never looks like we are.) Probably because the closer we get to true shalom, the more the forces of evil and ugliness panic. So my prayer for us this week is that as we worship and do ministry in new places, we recognize that we carry sanctuary with us. That the Holy Spirit is present and active everywhere, constantly birthing new life. And that by worshiping and serving outside these buildings, neighbors who are yearning for God’s presence and peace – even without knowing how to name it –will be drawn irresistibly toward the lifechanging love of Jesus Christ.

Come Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.

Pastor Dawn


Worship Any and Everywhere!


We are so excited to be celebrating the birthday at the church in a brand new space, while our own is getting a facelift. Wear your best firey colors if you can (you know, red, orange, yellow) and meet us for worship at 9am at the Fallon Theater. You who need the closest parking spaces, please take them! Those who have an easier time walking will be glad to park further down the block, in the dirt lot behind the theater, or across the street at the Nugget. Many, many, many thanks to the Berneys, Nancy Upham, and the rest of the hardworking Fallon Theater board for making this possible for us. As you prepare your heart for worship, you might like to read and pray with Psalm 104, and the story of the Holy Spirit’s arrival at Pentecost in Acts 1:1-21.

If you’re worshiping with us on Facebook or on the radio, we are so glad! If we can be in prayer for you in any way, please call the church at 775-423-4714, or call Pastor Dawn directly at 775-671-5553.

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