May 4, 2022
May the 4th be with you, friends!
It’s Star Wars day, sort of. Actual Star Wars Day is May 25, the day in 1977 when the first Star Wars movie was released. Still though, may the Force fourth be with us all. Some wisdom from the great Yoda:
“Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery, hmm… but weakness, folly, failure also. Yes: failure, most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is.”
“Listening to music sometimes, a window opens and happy you are.”
“Always more questions than answers, there are.”
“Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.”
“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”
My favorite Star Wars quote, though, and the one that echoes scripture most clearly for me, was not said by Yoda. It was said by Rose, as the tiny remnant of the rebel resistance was losing the battle against evil.
“This is how we win. Not by fighting what we hate. By saving what we love.”
I love that, so much. A healthy, important reminder of where our focus should be in divisive, chaotic days. It’s hard to discern what love should look like sometimes, but Jesus is clear that it involves loving, not hating, those who infuriate us or scare us.
May 4 is also the day when, in 1956, after decades of passionate discussion and a near split in the church, women were officially given the right to preach and lead in the Methodist church. So we celebrate, and remember the many women and men who paved the way, including our own Jessie Todd. And we give thanks, and see that God works powerfully and surprisingly even when things seem confusing and chaotic.
As God did when the Wesley brothers followed the call of God to inspire and reform.
As God did when the Methodist Church split over slavery, and again over racist behavior after that.
As God did during all kinds of times of tribulation and revival.
As God undoubtedly is doing now.
God is with us, friends. Present in every interaction, at every table, when we invite him. Praise the Lord, for Christ is risen indeed!
Pastor Dawn
Worship Any and Everywhere!
FREAKING OUT, Part 3: Risking Everything
We continue this week on our merry way through God’s love, support, and strength in the face of our fears. This week, we meet Jesus fulfilling his promise to meet the disciples in Galilee, commissioning them to go forth and make disciples of all nations, and promising to be with them (and us) always, even to the end of the age. We’ll reflect, too, on the many places in scripture where God asked people to step out in faith and courage, calming their fears and inspiring their trust. As you prepare your heart for worship, you might like to read the stories of the angels coming to Mary and later to the shepherds in Luke 1 and 2, and the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20.
If you’re worshiping with us on Facebook or on the radio, we are so glad! If we can be in prayer for you in any way, please call the church at 775-423-4714, or call Pastor Dawn directly at 775-671-5553.
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