Saturday, August 12, 2017


Hello church!

Wow, life has been a whirlwind lately, hasn't it? Births and rebirths and saying goodbye to women and men who have been so important to us...prayer and praising, study and planning, deep and important discussions and sitting at Sandwinds casually with friends. It was so good to hear all of you tell stories today about Donna Colt, and how much she meant to you. Life is full, beloved, and God is good.

This week in worship, we will talk together about faith, and faithfulness...about what it means, and how it acts, and why it is so important. We will talk about fear, and hope, and what we can be sure of.  In the meantime, a few questions to consider:

What does it mean when Jesus says, "Your faith has made you well?"

What do you think about Jesus' brother James, who writes in the second chapter of his letter, "Faith without works is dead"...especially when you consider that Paul writes in Ephesians 2, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith'?

What do you most have faith in, in this life? Besides God, who or what can you trust?

There are a thousand scriptures that speak to all of this. If one comes to mind for you, I encourage you to go pull out your Bible and read it tonight or tomorrow morning, and pray on that. In worship, we will be talking together about the faith of a Roman soldier in Matthew 7:1-10.

See you in the morning!

Love and blessings,
Pastor Dawn

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